Who we were!

What was BCVYO Ltd?
Who ran BCVYO Ltd?
How did organisations ensure that their views were represented?
Are any other Grants available?

What Information did you provide?


What was BCVYO Ltd?

BCVYO Ltd. was established by Bexley Councils Education Directorate in 1993. Our main functions were to maintain a Register of Voluntary Youth Organisations and administer a grant aid scheme on behalf of the Local Authority. We also encouraged co-operation between the voluntary and statutory sectors of the youth service, published a regular newsletter for registered organisations and helped members of the public to locate organisations for young people.


Who ran BCVYO Ltd.?

BCVYO Ltd. was controlled by an Executive Committee of twelve elected members, all of whom had been nominated by registered youth organisations. Two young people aged between 16 and 25 are co-opted onto the Executive Committee on an annual basis. We had a small office in Welling where our Company Secretary worked, on a part-time basis.


How did organisations ensure that their views were represented?

About a month before an Annual General Meeting, all leaders received an invitation to attend the meeting where they could discuss any relevant matters or have their say.  They all had the opportunity to become a Trustee, subject to legal requirements.



Are any other Grants available?

Apart from the main grant aid scheme, we provided grants for new organisations to assist with their start-up costs, for leader training, for some overseas expeditions and for expeditions and residential elements of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at Silver or Gold level.


What Information did you provide?

We provided information on a whole host of topics ranging from complex legal matters to simple questions like "Where can I buy a..." or "Do you know anybody who has a got a........?" We provided information on sources of funding, safety issues, activity centres and places to visit. We helped organisations to forge links with local schools and youth centres. We assisted in any dealings they may have had with the local authority, either by putting them in touch with the right person or by liaising on their behalf.

We couldn't guarantee to be able to answer all of their questions, but if we didn't know the answer immediately, we did our best to find out.